If you REALLY want to support your family, friends, associates, employees, or clients in the process of personal growth and empowerment, you must be willing to come from these decisions:

1. The FEELS GOOD Issue

  • Life is not primarily about feeling good. It is primarily about growth.
  • As your supporter in the process of growth and empowerment, I care more about your personal growth and development than I do about you or me “feeling good.”


  • Self-esteem is not determined by acceptance or approval. It is primarily determined by standing firm for one’s truth and one’s principles.
  • As your supporter in the process of growth and empowerment, I care more about your personal growth and development than I do about your opinion of me.

3. The ENABLING Issue

  • Your self-esteem and growth are not supported by my acceptance or tolerance of addictive behavior, lack of integrity, or dysfunction.
  • As your supporter in the process of growth and empowerment, I hold both you and me fully and personally accountable for living principles that work and for keeping the agreements we have made.

“There is nothing so far removed from us, to be beyond our reach; or so far hidden, that we cannot discover it.”