Coaching for Life and Professional Results
Have You Experienced This?
You spend time and money attending workshops and seminars and find that the value fades into the normal background of your life after just a few days or weeks. Ever wish there was a way to get long term value from your investment? Now there is!
Coaching with Dr. L. Cameron Mosher…
Coaching with Dr. L. Cameron Mosher, Life Coach and Empowerment Facilitator, is a journey out of limiting beliefs and self-defeating attitudes and behaviors into a life of accomplishment, satisfaction and joy. Based on the premise presented in the title of his book, I’m OK! I’m just not finished, and the principles of growth and empowerment contained in it, Cam’s coaching rests on the assumption that you are a magnificent human being, capable, deserving, and accountable for your results in life.
Coaching begins with the question…
Coaching begins with the question, “What do you want?” and a detailed written description of the desired outcome you seek as a result of the coaching, and by when. You also identify the initial steps of an action plan. Cam takes you at your word both as to what you want and what you are willing to do to achieve it.
Coaching is founded on the premise…
Cam’s coaching is founded on the premise that the results you have in your life come from the choices you have made and their consequences, and that for the results to be different, the choices (and the habits of perception, attitude, priorities, and belief on which you have based them) must change. You make new choices and commitments to the steps of the action plan. At every session Cam guides you to see and realize the results you attained by each of your choices and commitments.
Coaching for results, not stories…
Cam takes you at your word every step of the way and holds you accountable for every choice and result. These results (including the stories, excuses and distractions) reveal the non-working beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of the past and the guided realizations lead to the changes you make that bring about the results you want. This is a powerful, life-changing coaching experience!
Coaching is a guided journey…
The Dr. L. Cameron Mosher™ coaching process is a guided journey out of the stagnancy of comfort zone and past habits, leading ultimately to the achievement of the stated desired outcome AND the beginning of new and positive habits of believing, choosing, and behaving for the future. This is NOT “feels-good” conversation. It is honest, forthright, results-producing coaching. It builds not only results but also confidence, self-esteem, and lasting change.
Coaching is for everyone…
Coaching is not just for professionals and executives. Coaching can benefit everyone, with valuable updating of beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors, to bring these into alignment with present time realities and your amazing potential.
Coaching includes scheduled contact…
Included in The Dr. L. Cameron Mosher™ Coaching Program is an initial face-to-face or telephone interview and weekly or daily (depending on the intensity of the program desired) scheduled telephone sessions and unlimited email contact for the duration of the program. Telephone and email coaching is available no matter where you live!