Applying the Principles of Growth
If you REALLY want to grow and experience Empowerment in your life, you have got to be willing to base your life on these decisions:
1. Life is a Choice.
- I choose my attitude and my internal paradigm of beliefs, values, expectations, and conclusions about myself and my world.
- The circumstances of my life come and go. They just ARE. I always (have always, will always) choose how I respond to the circumstances that come into my life.
2. I Own My Entire Life, Period!
- My life today is exactly the result of all the choices I have ever made, no more, no less.
- Blame is an irrelevant activity! It produces no growth or empowerment!
- Manipulation and Justification come from an internal paradigm of “VICTIM-PERPETRATOR”, a paradigm based on blame for circumstances in the past that leads to no growth, healing, or change in the future.
3. I Live in the Present.
- The past is no longer relevant, except to learn from. The past JUST IS! Nothing can ever be done to change it.
- The present is the ONLY place where new choices and change can take place.
4. MY Experience of Life is a Mirror of my Internal State.
- Everything in my experience and perception of life is filtered through my internal paradigm of beliefs, expectations, and conclusions about myself and my world (which, by the way, I either DECIDED or BOUGHT!).
- The world I perceive and experience is a reflection (a mirror!) of my internal state, which I CREATE by the decisions and choices I make about how I deal with the circumstances that come into my life, and this has been so from conception and infancy on, to this very moment!